

Trades Affiliated to NCVT and SCVT

Trades Affiliated to NCVT and SCVT

Names of the Trade (linked to the respective Syllabus with DGET website) No. of Unit Shift Running (I/II/III) Seating Capacity per Unit Total Seating Capacity Affiliation Date/Copy of DGET order Link(SCANNED)
Fitter 3 units III 21 Nos. 63 Nos. DGT-6/25/22/2015-TC,                                       dated 25/08/2015
http://dget.gov.in/upload/uploadfiles/files/FinalCBFitterNSQF201504082015.pdf         https://www.ncvtmis.gov.in/Pages/ITI/Detail.aspx?ITI=15777
Electrician 3 units III 21 Nos. 63 Nos. DGT-6/25/22/2015-TC,                                       dated 25/08/2015
http://dget.gov.in/upload/uploadfiles/files/ELECTRICIAN_NSQF_04082015(1).pdf         https://ncvtmis.gov.in/Pages/ITI/Detail.aspx?ITI=15777
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