

General Rules & Regulations

General Rules & Regulations

These rules and regulations are subject to additions and alternations by the management of the institute, as may be required from time to time.

  • Each trainee should attend his class in proper time mentioned by the Institute positively and regularly.
  • If any trainee fails to attend within the prescribed time for whatever reasons, his presence will not be considered
  • Classes are held in different shifts from Saturday to Wednesday depending on the routine and time table prepared and notified from time to time by the Institute.
  • The progress report card will be served by the institute to each I.I.T trainee free cost for keeping records of marks obtained from monthly trade test and attendance.
  • Sessional marks will be given to the trainees on the basis of their progress, daily works including external tours(educational excursions)
  • Practical Exercise Book to be made by each trainee for daily practical works during the period of his training, as per direction of his trade instructor.
  • All the tools and equipments should be used carefully otherwise damage charges will be taken from the associated trainee(s) as per norms.
  • Industrial Visit will be held as per DGET Trade Syllabus of the trainees and it will be carried out at any suitable area. Each trainee should attend that Industrial Visit for the betterment of his practical knowledge. Sessional Marks will depend on this visit partially. All the travelling allowances and meal will be borne by each trainee individually to cover that visit including Electric Bill, Transport charge for tools and equipments, lodging charges or any other charges.
  • Absence from any examination without sufficient reason (reasons beyond his control) will be regarded as a serious breach of discipline.
  • If a student remains absent without notice for more than one month, his name will be struck of the roll.
  • A student shall be guilty of breach of discipline, if he breaks any of the foregoing rules or otherwise guilty of misconduct or misbehavior.
  • For breach of discipline within or outside the Institution premises, the Director/ Principal/Office In-Charge/ Instructor In- Charge of the Institute may-
    • Impose a fine on a trainee,
    • Suspend the student for one month or less
    • Expel him from the Institution for such period as he thinks fit
  • The student's identity card will be issued from the Institution and student must bring it to the Institution.

Monthly Tuition fees , as prescribed will have to be paid by each trainee on and before the 10th day of the same month positively and punctually, The same may be taken after the 10th day of that month with submission of late fine, which is 5% of the monthly Tuition fees, as prescribed.

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